A context to determine and/or justify the chosen objectives
The official objectives of the policy will be chosen according to and motivated by the specific local/national context. More specifically, the employment and social situation in a given region or country will help to determine and justify the selected objectives. Below, we present some key indicators that will provide crucial information on the context of the country/region.
- The existence of an undeclared market (see Eurobarometer data):
- The share of undeclared work;
- The price of undeclared PHS;
- The unemployment situation (see Eurostat data):
- The unemployment rate (by level of qualification);
- The work-life balance and needs for PHS in the population according to its structure (see Eurostat data):
- The female activity rate;
- The fertility rate;
- The share of personal and household work conducted by women (versus men) at home;
- The dependency ratio;
- The percentage of single-parent families;
- The share of bi-active households;
- The characteristics of the current formal market:
- The share of formal PHS before the introduction of the measure;
- The cost of formal childcare and elderly care (EU-SILC data)