PHS policies - Implementation and monitoring guide

Objective 6 : Gender equality and better work-life balance


Indicators to assess Description of the indicator Source of the indicator
Number of beneficiaries Number of individual (active) PHS beneficiaries by year
  • To collect data on the number of beneficiaries, the public administration in charge of the system should collect new administrative data.
Change in the number of beneficiaries Change in the number of individual (active) PHS beneficiaries by year
Profile of beneficiaries Number of individual (active) beneficiaries of PHS by year and by profile characteristics:
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Level of qualification
  • Level of income
  • Dependency level
  • Status (working or not)
  • Marital status
  • Number of children
Reasons for using PHS The reasons why beneficiaries use PHS
  • Organise a survey among users of PHS.
Improvement of work-life balance The number of PHS beneficiaries that declare that the use of PHS has improved their work-life balance
Impact of PHS on the employment of users The number of beneficiaries of PHS that declare that the use of PHS had an impact on the number of hours that they work